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Empower Your Healing Journey


Meet Marinés

Marinés is a dedicated Ceremonial Space Holder, and a facilitator of profound transformation.


Equipped with a rich tapestry of healing modalities, she empowers individuals to embark on personalized journeys of self-discovery. Combining her expertise in ancient practices like Reiki and Sound Healing with modern techniques like Transformational Hypnosis, she carefully guides her clients in energetic healing and rewriting subconscious narratives.


Driven by a passion for lasting change, Marinés' skills transcend typical healing encounters. Her socio-emotional and mental health background, coupled with her experience as a certified Recovery Coach, ensures holistic support beyond the initial session. By addressing core wounds and behavioral patterns, she empowers her clients to experience lasting transformation and blossom into their most empowered selves.


Reiki & Crystal Healing

Akashic Records and Other Intuitive Readings

Sound Baths

Cord Cutting 

Curated Ceremonies

Consultation &
Coaching Sessions

What Clients Are Saying


I would recommend Marinés’ services to anyone. It put me at ease, which is important, so I would know what to expect. The space she uses to work was very clean and felt really soothing and filled with peace and tranquility. I am a normal person with day-to-day activities just like everyone else. What I learned most was how much wear and tear we give our body and soul each day. Once my session was completed it felt like I did a 180- a total transformation. I felt light as a feather with no worries, I recall driving home and thinking of the wonderful thoughts that I had just encountered. I left that place understanding that If I wanted to continue to feel this way, I would have to do my part. This to me meant everything! I will absolutely recommend anyone to Marinés, even if it is just to try it. To those that do, good luck on your new journey.

- Frank

Rachel Willis

"The wound is where the light enters you"

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